Sunday, December 20, 2020

Gentleman’s C aka 2020 s*cks -37% for the year

I inch ahead this month. Up about 2% which trails the gains in most indexes. I am busy with other things besides trading. For the year, still down a brutal 37%. On a popular financial website the picture captures it for me “2020 s*cks”

The ETF score board

SLV 49.4% silver
QQQ 45.8% Nasdaq100

GLD 23.5% gold
IWM 17.7% US small cap

TLT 15.4% US 20 year treasuries
SPY 14.7% US large cap
EEM 13.7% Emerging market stocks

Again, my trading account down 37% due to the drawdown that led to a margin call in March. Silver leaps into the lead for 2020. That’s it for now. Merry Christmas to all.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Oops late report B-

Oops, I lost track of time and forgot to post a report last Saturday. I was busy with other things, and feeling a bit under the weather. 

Overall a decent month for the markets and me. I was up about 4%, still down 38% or so for calendar 2020. Again, the steep drop in March caused a margin call and I went mostly to cash near the lows. It is a steep up hill climb after a 66% drawdown.

That's it for now. Hopefully, more time for blogging and trading will appear soon.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Markets move higher Grade C-

Most market indices moved higher for this option cycle. SPY up over 5%, QQQ up nearly 8%. My account up a lagging 2%, grade C-. A gain is a gain, but when the market is moving solidly higher it feels better to participate. My overall caution is what cost me this month.

Here are the year to date numbers:

SLV 39.8% silver
QQQ 35.7% Nasdaq100 mostly tech

GLD 24.8% gold
TLT 19.1% US 20 year Treasury

SPY 7.9% US S&P500 Large cap
EEM 1.5% emerging markets
IWM -2.2% Russell 2000 US small cap

The surprise might be the huge gains in silver and the Nasdaq. Again, I am still in the -40% range for the year, because of the margin call in March.

It feels like a lifetime ago, when the markets were down 30% for the year. I feel some post-traumatic-stress from the events. Anytime the markets take a tiny dip, part of me wonders if this is another big one. Now, I have gotten back in, and am making trades, but have more cash than I used to.

This makes sense, after a severe drawdown and margin call, no one wants to repeat that experience.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Treading water, Grade B-

My account treads water, basically break even for the month. Self-grade is B-, as there were some opportunities to make or lose money. For this option cycle, SPY moved lower by 3% as the rocket fueled rally takes a time out. AAPL and TSLA soar then fall back after their stock splits.

Here are some etfs, ytd, dividends not included

SLV +55.4% silver
GLD +28.2% gold

QQQ +25.5% Nasdaq100 Mostly tech stocks
TLT +20.7% US 20 year treasuries

SPY +2.7% S&P500 US large cap
EEM -0.8% Emerging markets equity
IWM -7.6% Russell 2000 US small cap

I took some losses on the rallies in AAPL and TSLA and then the pullbacks. I continue to play small ball, being relatively conservative as the market sorts itself out. I am still down a sobering 42% for calendar 2020, because of the egg I laid during the catastrophic March option cycle (-67% drawdown).

I have come back from that, but don’t want to risk another margin call. So I do some small time trades, and hopefully make a few bucks. I was about break even for the month, which isn’t terrible considering the market pullback.

I have nothing profound or insightful to offer this month. Same old, same old, since the margin call. The election may or may not be a catalyst for the markets.

Friday, August 21, 2020

SPY makes new high, Grade B-

Another +5% month for me, about the same as SPY, grade B-.

I got burned by hot running stocks AAPL TSLA and others. Still, keeping up with the market isn’t all bad considering how much dry powder I am keeping. The yearly number is still a grim -43% because of the margin call cascade of losses in March.

Here are some year to date etf numbers

SLV +55.2% silver
QQQ +32.6% Nasdaq100 US mostly tech

GLD +27.4% gold
TLT +22.7% 20 year Treasury bond etf

SPY +5.5% S&P 500 US large cap

EEM -4.7% Emerging Markets equity
IWM -6.8% Russell 2000 US small cap

My trading account -43.1%. Silver leaps to the front. Nasdaq continues to lead equities. The Russell and emerging markets are still down for the year. Gold and bonds have had a nice year.

I made a humorous prediction of SPY topping at 420 in early 2021. As always, predictions are mostly for entertainment.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

SPY to break even for the year, Grade B-

SPY is now break even for the year. I have a positive month, up nearly 5%, self grade Grade B-. My come back from my devasting March loss continues. For the year, it is still a dismal -46% for me (a -67% loss was max drawdown).

Here is the year to date ETF tracking

TLT 23.1% US 20 year bonds
QQQ 22.0% Nasdaq 100, mostly tech 
GLD 19.0% gold

SLV 12.3% silver
SPY 0.0% S&P500 US large cap

EEM -4.7% Emerging markets equity
IWM -11.7% Russell 2000 US small cap

QQQ continues to roar ahead, despite a minor correction this past week. Silver running higher. SPY to break even, my account -46% ytd, as already noted.

The parabolic rise in some stocks such as TSLA AAPL AMZN had me covering sold calls for big losses.

I continue to keep a lot of dry powder on hand, with 60% buying power in reserve at most times. There feels like a disconnect between Main Street and Wall Street. Maybe Wall Street is looking past the immediate numbers.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Positive, but lagging, grade C

A positive month for the June option cycle, but that big 6% down day hit hard. I was up about 3% for the month, but this lags the approximately 7% gain in SPY, 9% in QQQ. My severe March losses still dominate the year and I am at -48% for calendar 2020. QQQ is now up nicely for the year, and SPY is only down 3% or so. Again, that’s what tends to happen after a severe drawdown.

ETF summary, year-to-date numbers:

TLT +19.9% US 20 year Treasury bond etf
QQQ +14.9% Nasdaq100 US mostly tech
GLD +14.8% gold

SLV +2.8% silver
SPY -4.1% S&P500 US large cap

EEM -11.0% Emerging market equity
IWM -24.6% Russell 2000 US small cap

Again I sit at a dismal -48% because of the -67% margin call month in March. I continue to sell naked strangles, with low capital utilization (high cash reserves). With the extended rally then the big down day, I was overly cautious and lagged buy and hold for the June option cycle. That’s the bad news. The good news, is that I was positive for the third month in a row.

Wall Street is looking ahead. Main Street is only starting to recover from the quarantine, while broad market indexes are close to recovering all losses for 2020. Businesses are just starting to open up. As always predications are mostly for entertainment, especially when there remains a great deal of uncertainty in the economy and society.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Lucky 8, grade B

Another up month, up about 8% for the May option cycle. My self-grade for the month is B. I am still down more than 50% for the year. That’s the unfortunate math of suffering a large loss. It takes a 200% gain to recover from a 67% account loss. Eight is considered a lucky number by many Chinese. Two up 8 percent months in a row are welcome.

Here are some etfs 2020 year-to-date:

TLT +23.1% US 20 year treasuries
GLD +14.7% gold
QQQ +5.0% Nasdaq100 mostly US tech stocks

SLV -3.3% silver
SPY -11.1% SP500 US large cap stocks

EEM -19.7% Emerging market equities
IWM -24.6% Russell 2000 US small cap stocks

My account down about 50% for the year because of the March losses.

Notable is the QQQ is now up for the year. SPY was about flat for March. Emerging market stocks and US small cap stocks still down for the year. Gold and long term treasury bonds continue to lead for the year.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Baby Steps, Grade C

Under normal conditions an 8% gain is a decent month. However, compared to the over 25% gain in SPY though, it looks poor. Factor in the -60% from last month, and I see it as a baby step forward. Grade is a gentleman’s C.

After going mostly to cash near the bottom, I was cautious getting back in. The US stock market experienced a monster rally off the lows. QQQ is now up for calendar 2020, SPY down about 11%.

Here are the year-to-date etf numbers:

TLT +23.9% US 20 year treasuries
GLD +11.0% gold
QQQ +1.3% Nasdaq100 mostly tech stocks

SPY -10.9% S&P500 US Large cap
SLV -11.8% silver

EEM -19.2% emerging market equity
IWM -26.5% Russell 2000 US small cap

My trading account down about 60% year to date. I move forward. Like the title says baby steps.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

COVID-19 bear, margin call, Grade F

The Corona virus set off a market cascade. My losses are approximately 67% from recent highs. At the end, I moved mostly to cash. After transferring cash in to meet the margin call, I don’t want to chance another margin call for now. My account survived, just barely. One or two more really bad days and the pit would have been too deep.

Like many, I was slow to recognize how the decline would cascade on itself. Like some, I got caught in some of the sharp bear market rallies.

Some blue chip stocks saw huge losses. I remember when Boeing was over $400. Now under $100. Citi C saw a 50% drop to under $40. The S&P500, SPY is down approximately 27% for year.

I plan to scale back on my market activity. I definitely need to regroup, clear my head, after the two-thirds account haircut. I obeyed my rule number one, but just barely:


It is easy to rationalize or give excuses, but the bottom line a bleak -67% for 2020. This compares to a 27% drop in SPY. I met the margin call, and still have my account, If I were more of a risk taker, or more stubborn in terms of taking losses, my account would likely have been liquidated. There were many near bottomless pits for naked option sellers like me. Personally, there are too many losers to note. Tesla was the biggest, accounting for about 20% of all the losses, first on the way up, and then on the way down.

Surviving is a small accomplishment during these scary times. I’ll keep updating the blog every month, after the third Friday option expiration. The reports may by scaled back, because with the smaller account, there will be less trading, possibly a lot less. That’s it for now, stay healthy, be grateful for all blessings, even the small ones.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Telsa moonshot leads to losses, Grade C-

I apologize for the late post. I have been feeling under the weather. The parabolic rally in TSLA resulted in large losses. I was short strangles (both puts and calls) and covered some of the calls for epic losses. Overall, I was down 1.8% for the month (this is back to Sunday). Overall, the my self-grade is C-.

Here are some etfs ytd for 2020:

TLT +9.3% US 20 year treasury bonds
QQQ +8.3% Nasdaq100 US tech

GLD +8.3% gold
SLV +7.7% silver

SPY +3.6% S&P 500 US large cap

IWM +1.3% Russell 2000 US small cap
EEM -3.2% emerging markets equity

My account -1.8%, with about a 6% from Tesla positions. Thankfully, I am not a stubborn person, because drawing a line in the sand in front of a parabola, is the recipe to ruin. Live to trade another day, that is Rule #1.

This morning Corona Virus fears have sent the stock mar\ket tumbling, so I have more losses not included in the numbers above, but will writ about them next month. 

Thanks for reading. Stay healthy.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Markets shoot higher, Grade C-

US stocks bolt out of the gate in January, with QQQ up over 5%. Me, I shoot myself in the foot, up a mere 1.2%. The culprits are Apple and Tesla running way too hot. I took big losses on sold TSLA calls.

Still, I am up for the month. Self-grade is C-. Could have been a lot worse, had I stayed in the way of the runaway train. Of course, leveraged longs on those hot stocks made a ton.

I’ll regroup and reassess my stance. I expected a modest decline, due to delayed selling to book gains in the new year, and pay tax in April 2021.

Overall Internet chatter remains mixed. There seem to be more people convinced that leveraged long is a no-lose strategy. More people that had a good 2019 and want to trade for living. On the other side, there also seem to be more regular folks that are raising cash, or moving all to cash. 

I remain cautiously bullish. Too cautious so far, but the year is young yet.

I posted a lengthy year-end recap on Reddit. For those that missed it, here is the link

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Blockbuster year Grade A

Stock markets boom in 2019. Bonds, gold also do well. My trading account up about 55%, grade A. The backdrop is up 28% for SPY, but 55% is beyond my expectations.

For new readers, what I mostly do is sell naked strangles way out of the money. I have mostly leaned bullish this year. When adjustments are needed, I may buy at the money options to get back to the desired delta.

That’s probably the biggest change from two years ago, buying the at the money options on gap moves that threaten the position. For small adjustments, I sell additional layers. I still tend to take losses if the strike price is breached. After I got up 30% for 2019, I became more conservative. Even so, I was able to keep up with the bulls.

I often say predictions are for entertainment. The overall tenor of the market seems muted to me, for such a big up year. There is still not much public stock market chatter where I am and online. There are a few signs of heat, such as people bragging about big gains, thinking about trading full time after a lucky streak. Right now, there isn’t a fever pitch that might follow such a big up year.

Me? I remain cautious. I took out some money to pay the substantial tax bill that is coming.