Friday, April 16, 2021

More Bull, Grade C

I make modest gains as the bull roars ahead. I briefly went net short QQQ. That was a mistake, but I quickly went back to net long. As has often been the case, I lag behind the roaring bull market. 

Here are some etfs, year-to-date:

IWM Russell 2000 14.6%
SPY SP500         11.6%
QQQ Nasdaq 100 9.0%

EEM emerging market +5.2%
SLV silver                 -2.0%

GLD gold                 -6.7%
TLT US20 yr treasury -11.7%

My trading account +6.1%. Normally +6% for four months would be pretty good, but all the major US stock indices are up more than that. Still, after the beating I took in 2020, any gain might be considered a good gain.