Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Standing still

Don't just stand there, do something! That critical voice is loud when the market is moving and it seems like everyone is making money today. It helps that ABX, BA, BAB, and PDLI are all up today (Barrick Gold, Boeing, British Air, PDL Biopharma). Still the siren calls, telling me that caution is unwarranted, that it is easy money. Heeding the call of the siren, to "do something," usually leads to some bad, even stupid trades. I've been there, done that, have the t-shirt.

Covered call writers will often have this situation: stocks called away at expiration, money to reinvest, and a market that seems to be moving away from them.

PDLI earnings due next Monday. Chart is a picture-perfect base (PDLI 1 yr).

Tomorrow is another day, with a boatload of wonderful opportunities. Cheers.

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