Friday, March 10, 2006

Dogs of the Dow

The basic strategy is to buy the highest yielding Dow 30 stocks at the end of the year. Lets see how they are doing so far this year. With interest rates ticking higher, I would expect that these haven't done so well. Some are higher, some are lower. The only one I have traded is GM.
Ten Dow stocks ranked by yield on 12/30/05
GM Gen Motors 19.42 10.30%
T AT&T 24.49 5.43%
VZ Verizon 30.12 5.38%
MRK Merck 31.81 4.78%
MO Altria 74.72 4.28%
PFE Pfizer 23.32 4.12%
C Citigroup 48.53 3.63%
DD DuPont 42.50 3.48%
JPM JP Morgan 39.69 3.43%
GE Genl Electric 35.05 2.85%

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