Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sell BUD (buy back short puts)

Sell BUD via buying back short Sep 60 puts

FUD (Fear Uncertainty Doubt) on BUD. Yikes! BUD stock tumbling down on unsubstantiated rumors that the deal may fall through. I HATE to do it based on pure rumor and no news, but I cover my short puts for yet another huge percentage loss. I don't want to take the chance on real news resulting in the stock gapping down another $5 or $10.

What a lousy trading week it is has been so far. My trading losses are for small dollar amounts thanks to my chicken-ness, but I feel like I have been put through the ringer. I am sure many other traders feel the same way. I am sure that a small group are still finding ways to make money, however, a larger group is likely getting margin calls as the wide market swings continue.

Positions: long FDX, GLD. Short USO

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