Saturday, January 31, 2009

Stocks -8% in January, gold up

I am hearing mixed reports regarding the severity of the January stock market decline. Whatever the case, it was a bad month for bulls. Annualize 8% down every month for 12 months and that would be the worst year ever. It would not be 96% down (8% x 12 months), more like -64% (0.92 ^ 12, where 0.92 is an 8% loss).

The markets aren't acting the way I expect them to. I'm sure I'm not the only one that is at a loss. My one trade for the month was a break even loser, meaning I lost the commissions and the spread. However, on low priced options that translates into a big percentage, though a small dollar amount.

Gold has shown some spark, breaking out to new all time highs in Euros (link to various gold charts).

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