Bill Luby at Vix and More has a suggested book list for options (Amazon link). I mostly learned about options from the school of hard knocks.
Roger Nusbaum talks about the Time magazine cover about the problems with 401k's (link).
As for the markets, the moves from jawboning by Fed chief Bernanke are being reversed today, as is usually the case. Now, if Bernanke had actually started acting on his talk, that would be different.
In hindsight, those GLD vertical spreads that I was in, would have been monster winners had I held until today. What is the cliche? Bulls and bears make money, pigs get slaughtered. Add to that, chickens eat chicken feed. As readers know, I tend to have a low tolerance for pain (losses). While that cautious nature served me well through the waterfall declines of last year, it often means chicken feed profits when the bull is running.
Positions long SPY expiring this Friday
long GLD two positions for November
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