Friday, June 17, 2011

4-1-1 for June

Four winners, one loser, one break even for the June option cycle. The winners include: tWo short SPY puts, short EEM and GLD puts, all expiring worthless, so I pocket 100% of the modest option premium.

The strangle on TBT/TLT that broke even, counting two winning short TLT puts expiring, against one covered TBT put at a loss. One loser was the lifted long leg of the SPY Jul 115/120 vertical put spread. The timing on that exit was terrible as the sold put more than doubled after lifting that leg.

Also in GLD, the Jun leg of the GLD calendar 160 call spread expired. I sold a GLD Jul 161 call to turn it into a 1-point-wide vertical call spread. That caps the profit at 1 point, which is decent given a cost basis of the position of 1/3 of that.

It felt like a very frustrating month, despite a modest profit, because many times it seemed like I entered or exited trades at near the worst levels.


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