Friday, January 20, 2012

3-0 for January

3 winners, no losers for trades closed during the January option cycle. I only had a few positions coming into the calendar year and all went out as small winners, and a small net positive for the account. Winners include short puts on BRKB, SPY and a covered call position in TBT.

I mismanaged the TBT position, turning the potential of a nice gain, into mostly a commission generator. The history is I got assigned TBT at December expiration at 18. I sold the Jan 20 calls, then rolled down to Jan 18 calls on a spike down in price, and now will be assigned and TBT gets called away at 18 (19.28 close).

Going forward, I am short puts on BRKB, EEM, I have a complicated position in SPY that edges net long, am short a vertical put spread on AMZN that is at a 90% profit and near delta zero, long puts on GDX.

Short GDX

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