line is from the movie Forrest Gump. It felt like that kind of week
for me. I lost money in AMBA, SKX and a few others. The dollar losses
were relatively small, but the frustration level, nay, the stupidity
level, felt high.
Perhaps some days with minimal stock market
involvement might be a good prescription for what ails me. I've been
burned before selling very short term calls but did it again this
week, for the first whopper loss of 2015 at 1500% on some AMBA weekly
calls. Ouch. The second mistake was buying some puts because of
someone else'e opinion instead of my own analysis. Double ouch.
money is inevitable for retail traders. However, in tennis there are
unforced errors, same in the markets. A trader that does stupid
things, lowers their odds of profit.
The critical inner voice tells me that
I got too cute, too confident, too greedy for small premiums, too
enamoured of rebalancing to near delta neutral.
past is outer environment. I have no control over the outer
environment. I spent the mandatory eight minutes scolding myself (the
losses weren't that big), time to move on, perhaps with a bit of a
lighter stock market activity schedule for a few days.
Sell JPM Jul 62.5 p @67.2 Rebalance my JP Morgan Chase
AMBA Jun 90 p @98.5 Reverse and go net short AMBA. I attended a IBD
Canslim meetup last night. When the AMBA was reviewed, one of the
older, wiser traders remarked that it looked like a blow off top. So
I am paying 90 cents per unit on that chance. I sold two layers of
June puts below 90 so have a complicated position. A few minutes
later AMBA edges higher and the price of the Jun 90s falls, so more
bad intra-day timing as I am down 25% on this latest leg in a matter
of minutes, and down about 60% by end of day. Crunch!
(buy to close) AMBA JunW1 101 c @102.4 Kaboom! I got too cute on
Ambarella and am covering this leg for a 1500% loss, basis the
premium collected. All in two days too. This is on top of the
wreckage of buying puts just above this. Wow, just wow. Forrest Gump
comes to mind: Stupid is as Stupid does. Just stupid all the way
around. Thankfully the dollar amounts are small, even if the
percentages are eye popping.
SKX shares @109.4 I add another half unit of Sketchers, brings my
total to one unit. I am short two units of Jun 110 calls so it is
another sticky wicket.
Sell AMBA Jun 86.5 p @99.8 Rebalance my position in Ambarella as it
moves up. AMBA broke 100 earlier today, so my sold 101 calls are
being threatened.
BRKB Jul 150 c @141.6 Hedge sold puts by selling calls in Berkshire
Hathaway. BRKB has been underperforming the broad stock market this
SKX Jul 120 c @107.2 Rebalance a complicated position in Sketchers
closer to neutral. SKX has become a mess. I have sold multiple layers
of puts and calls and now also am long half a position in shares.
Yesterdays breakout to new highs is looking like a fake out.
MCK puts down @234.8: Cover (buy-to-close) MCK Jul 260 c / Sell
(to-open) MCK Jul 250 c for credit. McKesson moving lower so I adjust
my position.
(buy to close) 2x SPY Jun 180 p @209.8. I close these legs of the
sold put backratio to free up buying power, as the needle moves to the
yellow zone.
HON Jul 110 c @103.5. Rebalance a complicated position in
Honeywell. I am short unbalanced strangles, long half a position in
Sell AMBA JunW1 90 p @95.9 New long position in Ambarella. AMBA
higher after earnings. These are weeklies with only two days. If they
get threatened, I will roll down and out. A couple of hours later, I
sell a layer of JunW1 101 calls with AMBA @95.0 to hedge the sold
puts. AMBA has had a wild ride today with a high above 99. Dropping
below the opening price weakens the bullish case. A bit later, I add
a third layer selling Jun 82.5 puts with AMBA @95.9. So far I sold
JunW1 90/101 strangles and the week three 82.5 puts.
SKX shares half a position @108.4. I am short two units of SKX Jun
110 calls so am adjusting my delta in Sketchers as it makes new
JBLU Jul 19 p @20.7 30 Rebalance my position in Jet Blue. I sold the
Jun 19/21 strangles and it is getting uncomfortable.
Sell MRK Jul 62.5 c @59.9 Rebalance my position in Merck as it drops
after the pop. It is hard to get any traction in this market. MRK is
becoming another messy one.
PVH Jun 105 p @112.7 New long position in Philip Van Heusen. PVH
gapping up on earnings, breakout base is 105.
Sell SKX Jul 95 p @106.4 Rebalance my position in Sketchers. I now
have six layers of sold options. Yes, it has been a bit of a mess.
MRK Jul 57.5 p @61.5 Ditto for Merck. Rebalance.
DIS Jul 120 c @110.8 Hedge sold puts by selling calls. Disney up
modestly after a positive article in Barrons. A few minutes later I
sell another layer of puts, DIS Jun 105 p @111.0.
EL Jul 92.5 c @86.8 Hedge sold puts by selling calls, turning the
Estee Lauder
IWM Jun 117.5 p @124.6 Rebalance my position in the Russell 2000 etf.
TIF Jun 87.5 p @94.1 New long position in Tiffany. TIF gapped higher
on earnings a few days back. 87.5 is near the break out level.
DATA Jul 95 p @113.0 I open a July position in Tableau Software.
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