Saturday, September 26, 2015

Weekly: Biotechs fall

A quieter week for me. Market as measured by SPY down a bit, my account up a bit, mostly from puts on IBB. 

Highlights are IBB falling while I am short, new long positions in GPRO and NKE. Here are the trades: (c = calls, p = puts, sell means sell-to-open, weeklies use the W suffix so OctW1 means October week one)

Mon Sell SPY OctW2 185 p @197.0 Rebalance in the SP500 etf. I came in net short, so am adding long delta on the morning rally.

Sell GPRO Oct 25? p @32.9 New long position in GoPro. Barrons has a negative story on the camera maker.

Thu Wash out lows take me out.
Roll: Cover IBB SepW4 325 p @325.8 / Sell IBB OctW1 Oct 290 p / The closed leg is for about a 400% loss, but I have an offsetting position.

Sell HON shares half position (last batch of shares) @92.12 about a 13% loss

Fri Sell NKE Oct 115 p @125.4 New long position in Nike. NKE higher after earnings.

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