Saturday, April 18, 2020

Baby Steps, Grade C

Under normal conditions an 8% gain is a decent month. However, compared to the over 25% gain in SPY though, it looks poor. Factor in the -60% from last month, and I see it as a baby step forward. Grade is a gentleman’s C.

After going mostly to cash near the bottom, I was cautious getting back in. The US stock market experienced a monster rally off the lows. QQQ is now up for calendar 2020, SPY down about 11%.

Here are the year-to-date etf numbers:

TLT +23.9% US 20 year treasuries
GLD +11.0% gold
QQQ +1.3% Nasdaq100 mostly tech stocks

SPY -10.9% S&P500 US Large cap
SLV -11.8% silver

EEM -19.2% emerging market equity
IWM -26.5% Russell 2000 US small cap

My trading account down about 60% year to date. I move forward. Like the title says baby steps.