Friday, September 18, 2020

Treading water, Grade B-

My account treads water, basically break even for the month. Self-grade is B-, as there were some opportunities to make or lose money. For this option cycle, SPY moved lower by 3% as the rocket fueled rally takes a time out. AAPL and TSLA soar then fall back after their stock splits.

Here are some etfs, ytd, dividends not included

SLV +55.4% silver
GLD +28.2% gold

QQQ +25.5% Nasdaq100 Mostly tech stocks
TLT +20.7% US 20 year treasuries

SPY +2.7% S&P500 US large cap
EEM -0.8% Emerging markets equity
IWM -7.6% Russell 2000 US small cap

I took some losses on the rallies in AAPL and TSLA and then the pullbacks. I continue to play small ball, being relatively conservative as the market sorts itself out. I am still down a sobering 42% for calendar 2020, because of the egg I laid during the catastrophic March option cycle (-67% drawdown).

I have come back from that, but don’t want to risk another margin call. So I do some small time trades, and hopefully make a few bucks. I was about break even for the month, which isn’t terrible considering the market pullback.

I have nothing profound or insightful to offer this month. Same old, same old, since the margin call. The election may or may not be a catalyst for the markets.