Saturday, March 18, 2023

Slip Sliding Away, Grade C

SPY and IWM slide, with IWM now negative for calendar 2023. QQQ remains up a good bit. My portfolio treads water for the trading month of March, down just a bit, grade C. Here are a few etfs, 2023 year to date:

QQQ Nasdaq 100 14.7%
GLD gold 8.3%
TLT US20 yr 7.3%
SPY SP500 2.0%

EEM emerging mkt -0.8%
IWM Russell 2000 -1.8%
SLV silver -9.1%

My trading account +4.1%. Not bad, not great. It is doing better than my buy-and-hold retirement account. I do a few post earnings trades, selling puts below support levels or calls above resistance. These have mixed results.

One concerning position is in Berkshire Hathaway. I got assigned on March 295 puts (293+ close). I plan to sell more calls on Monday (already sold April 330 calls), to delta hedge the position.

I continue to be extra cautious. Delta hedging most positions.