Saturday, June 22, 2024

Riding the NVDA rocket B-

QQQ and SPY bound ahead, mostly on the strength in NVDA and other AI related stocks. NVDA moved sharply higher after a 10 for 1 stock split. A lots of folks are on board, so a pause is my most likely scenario.

Here are some ETFs year to date:

SLV silver 23.9%

QQQ Nasdaq 100 17.3%
SPY SP500 14.6%

GLD gold 12.4%
EEM emerging mkt 4.6%

TLT US20 yr -5.0%
IWM Russell 2000 -0.2%

My trading account +16.8%. I’ll take that. Slightly ahead of SPY, hopefully with less risk. Almost half my gains are from NVDA, even though I have a modest position.

Off topic, I tell traders to stay humble and keep on learning. I recently bought a guitar and am learning a new instrument at a not so young age. I am self taught on piano and penny whistle so understand the nature of the long journey. My attitude is do a little bit every day and in six months to a year, see how far I’ve traveled. If it isn’t very far, maybe sell the guitar. So far I am enjoying it, but am very early in the journey.

It would be nice if trading results came from consistent modest effort. I tend not to believe that. Some people have a talent, or luck. A few are self-destructive and will find a way to lose no matter the market conditions. The average person takes 1000 hours to reach apprentice level at any complex task. I’d guess 90 percent of novices blow up their options account before they know what they are doing.

As for my year, Toyota TM, TLT 20 year treasury ETF, Tesla TSLA are among the very few losers. Leading my ytd winners are NVDA, BRKB, AMZN and the big index etfs. At this point, it likely gets harder to predict the winners in the AI revolution. In hindsight, all will be revealed. My thinking is SPY and QQQ are the best ways to play it, because some big winners will surprise everyone.