Saturday, December 15, 2007

GDX lagging behind GLD

When the Fed did their surprise 50 basis point cut three months back, I thought it very bullish for gold. GLD is higher since then. However, GDX is just barely higher. I remember that one trade I considered was buying the Dec 45 calls on GDX. GDX traded well over 50 so a person taking the trade could have more than doubled their money with a well timed exit. The more sobering news is that someone still holding is now underwater and may take a 100% loss on expiration day.

This chart shows GDX lagging behind GLD.

My lone position is long MRK hedged. Strike price on my short puts is 50. It would take a memorable week for these options to be exercised against me.

1 comment:

Richard said...

Yes, your analysis is correct; the implication is that one should be long GLD and short GDX which is something I recommend in my article The Long Gold And Short Stock Strategy For 2008