Friday, November 20, 2009

2-1-1 for November expiration

Two winners, one loser, one break even trade for the November cycle. Unfortunately, the winners were small fish in SPY and GLD, and the loser a bigger fish, AAPL, another GLD trade was closed near break even.

My prediction of gold $1150 by December came a few weeks early. GLD still looks higher. SPY looks higher too, despite a bit of selling this week.

Barrons has an interesting article about record low 2-year Treasury yields (link). What this means for other markets isn't so easy. The straight answer is that low rates are a positive for stocks. The inverted yield curve is when it becomes dangerous for stocks. As for gold, the cost of carry is low, but it also means low inflation expectations.

Blogging and trading will remain light for November and December. Good luck to all the readers.

No positions

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