Friday, October 21, 2011

7-1 for October

Seven winners, one loser for the October option cycle. Winners include short puts on GLD, PFF, SPY, TLT (2 strikes) and separate short put backratios on GLD, and SPY. Loser was a SPY vertical put spread. I legged out of the backratios and verticals, so that added more risk. The backratios came in strong, 200% profit on the SPY, 400% on the GLD, basis the initial credit. Before folks get too excited, the margin requirements are a lot bigger than the credit so actual percentage gains on margin put up are not so exciting looking. Still, some good gains.

I am short puts on BRKB, SPY, TLT going forward. For the first time in a long time I don't have a GLD position. I danced close to the flame this cycle, as GLD was in my zone of 154 to 159. I did well to get out with 400%.


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