Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rebalance GLD add more IWM

Buy GLD via selling May 150 puts @162.6
I was already short a call vertical spread (long GLD May 185, short May 173 calls) and losing money on that position. This move still has me net short gold, but reduces the negative delta. I see GLD 150 as major support.

I also buy IWM via selling May 72 puts @80.4.
I was already short layered puts and a vertical call spread. This adds to my net long position on Russell 2000. There is support at 75 and a lot of noise below that.

The other day (failed roll) I did move my order on selling IWM calls and that move of selling IWM May 85 calls isn't turning out too well either. For me, it feels like one bad move after another during the past few weeks.

net long IWM
net short GLD

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