Sunday, February 21, 2021

Still staying small, Grade B-

I stay small, with reduced trading activity. I am up 3.0% for the period, slightly lagging SPY which gained 4.3%. Self grade is B-.

2021 Year to Date:

IWM Russell 2000 14.9%
EEM emerging market 11.3%

QQQ Nasdaq 100 5.5%
SPY SP500 4.3%

SLV silver 2.8%
GLD gold -6.4%
TLT US20 yr treasury -9.2%

A lot of market news was from Reddit. I am active on the options sub as Rtiger. I played some of the meme stocks in a tiny way. Sold GME Feb 10 puts when the stock was moving up through 300. Trading restrictions made for a bumpy ride for the tiny profit. I have tiny positions in PLTR and ASAN. Just enough to keep me following them, not enough to make meaningful profits or losses.

I am too slow moving to be on the bleeding edge of what is new. I remain cautious, looking for better opportunities.

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