Sunday, July 26, 2009

What if you've made your nut?

In a comment to a Roger Nusbaum blog entry, someone poses that question (link).

>>Anonymous said in a comment...
In many ways, what you're exploring here Roger also applies to retirees who have already made their nut, regardless of whether they enjoyed a triple along the way or not. Risk adjusted return is critical for us, which generally translates into a safe income stream with some growth to cover inflation.

The stock market went up 4% this past week, 11% for two weeks. If it kept going up 11% every two weeks, it would about quadruple in 28 weeks (14 weeks would be a double, another 14 weeks, another double). Let's say that scenario is unlikely. However, it does demonstrate how powerful rallies can be and gets to the point of Roger's column and musings.

This is a trading blog, and I report my short term trades. I talk about my long term investments tangentially. Every person's situation, risk tolerance, is going to be different.

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