Saturday, September 21, 2019

Monthly: lowering risk, grade A

I am on the road and forgot to bring exact figures. I believe I am up 4 to 5 percent for this option cycle, my self grade is A. Now up about 35 percent for 2019. That’s good.

A few etfs ytd, not counting dividends

QQQ +25.6 US tech stocks Nasdaq 100
SPY +21.6 US large cap S&P 500

TLT +18.1 US 20 year Treasury bonds
IWM +16.9 US small cap Russell 2000

GLD +16.8 gold
SLV +14.4 silver
EEM +6.9 emerging market equities

Again, my account up about 35 percent. Yippee. I lowered my risk by moving more money into BSV Vanguard short term bond etf. I took a loss on some ROKU options. The chart formation looks like a parabola, now into the waterfall decline stage.

AMZN and TSLA continue to be my most profitable tickers this year. BA continues to be the worst. DIS has been disappointing. Some small plays in SHAK SHW produce small profits.

Because I am on the road, because last year turned nasty, because I will have less time for the markets, I am reducing risk. I’m still in, but playing smaller.

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