Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Bad day for bears

Near the close, it is a bad day to be a bear. Aside from oil stocks, and a few special situations, most stocks are up. Glad I exited my gold and silver related put options earlier today. It will not be an easy few days for bulls or bears if they are holding options. I may look for the dust to settle after option expiration this Friday. I've got quite a few more stocks that will most probably be called away.

Basics: a buy/write is buying the stock and selling a call option. It limits upside and provides a small measure of downside protection. A comprehensive study found that buy/writes do as well as buy-and-hold, but with less risk. Again, #1 is survival, and reducing risk is a big part of that.

Another stock I am watching is JWN (Nordstrom's).

Silver, copper stocks are among today's the leading groups. Oil and exploration stocks among the laggards. The daily list at this link at Yahoo Finance is a good source of ideas:
leading and lagging industry groups

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